Hubtel Supports Ghana Police Transformation Initiative

July 20, 2017 | 2 minutes read

The soul of crime in the country has found some new bravado and as a result, our law enforcement bodies are tweaking and turning the cogwheels of their logistical machinery so they can adequately face these crimes.

As part of this, the Ghana Police Service is embarking on a Police Transformation Initiative to deploy systems and initiate changes that will allow the outfit to tackle the increasing complexity of criminal offenses and face new threats squarely. The Initiative is also aimed at making the Ghana Police Service one of the top ten in the world within four years.

Dissemination of information in a convenient, secure, and timely manner is very crucial to the success of this Programme. This is why the Ghana Police Service has partnered with Hubtel as a key technology partner.

Under the arrangement, Hubtel will offer its platform for the delivery of text-based communication to and from over 30,000 police personnel across the country. This is to facilitate the collection of data to gain reliable insights on important public opinion through mobile feedback, and swiftly deliver emergency information to millions of citizens.

Hubtel is a company that delivers simple, practical tools to help Ministries, Municipalities, Districts and Authorities (MMDAs) manage and organize payments, send vital notifications via SMS and citizen self-service via USSD, towards better citizen engagement, as a key technology partner.

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