Report an Issue, Order Tracking, Item Reviews & More…
See what’s new in this update
Report an Issue on Prepaid Balance or Transfer Funds
Need help with your Prepaid Balance or Transfer Funds details? Simply tap on the “Help” button, then select your issue from the list provided or choose “Other” to type your issue and tell us what happened, for immediate assistance.

Report an Issue on Messaging
For assistance with any challenge at the Messaging section of your account, just tap “Report an Issue” at the bottom right and let us know what happened, for immediate assistance.
Report an Issue on Payment History
Receive immediate response on Payment History details as required by simply tapping on the “More button” under “History of Payment”, then select “Report an Issue” to share your concern.

Mobile Money Verification on Web Checkout
Customers can now verify their mobile money numbers during payment with just a one-time verification pin, and receive verification prompt to complete their payment process.
Bank Card Verification on Web Checkout
New and existing card users are now required to provide their bank card details if they have already been verified by Visa, to confirm verification and receive a one-time pin to complete the payment process.

Add Card on Hubtel Pay
Customers can also add their cards as a wallet on Hubtel Pay by linking it to their numbers after the payment process.
Item Varieties
Customers can now select different options of the same item as they prefer, for items with different options available.

Item Extras
An item could have other “Add-ons” that sweeten the deal which can now be added to orders when adding items to cart.
Improved Search
Search suggestions now makes it easier to get preferred search details on items.

Item Reviews
Customers can now post reviews or share feedback on orders and delivery with photos.
Order Tracking
Tracking now includes updates at every stage of the delivery process. From order placement, pickup to delivery.

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