A New Kind Of Selling – Social Media Selling

November 7, 2018 | 3 minutes read

Numbers Don’t Lie

The following stats on social media usage should interest you. As a business, you want to be where the action is. Your potential clients/customers are all on social media.

Social Media Statistics (brandwatch.com)

Facebook topped the list of most used social media platform (obviously). With this in mind, the next question is: how do I tap into this goldmine?

The Tools For Selling

If you already have business accounts on Facebook and Instagram, you’re halfway through. The next thing is driving traffic to these accounts. Once your followers know where to go from your account, that’s a big start. On Instagram, you only get one link on your profile, and you have to make this count. What if you don’t have a website? Selling online is the new shopping experience your customers want (and actually use). Having an online presence is a sure way to tap into this massive number of users sprawling the internet every day for things to shop.

On Facebook, you can always include links to your website in your post captions. The same goes for Twitter. The tricky one here is Instagram. In a later post, we’ll have a look at how to maximize your Instagram for good conversions (Remember, you only get one link).

Selling on Instagram becomes relatively easy when you have a CTA for your customers to use, once they show interest. The one link Instagram provides should be used to its maximum. Imagine having all your products on one platform where everyone can access and shop from.

Hubtel Webstore

When you sign up for your business on Hubtel, you get a unique webstore (free eCommerce platform) where your customers can shop from you anytime anywhere. Plus it comes with delivery options. So all you need to do is just stock up. We’ll handle the delivery for you. Sounds interesting?

How To Get Yours

Visit the registration page or simply dial *713#. Everything can be done in a day for you so you can start selling from anywhere (especially online).


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More Profitable Than Gold

October 11, 2019| 2 minutes read

Customer Moments That Matter

October 4, 2019| 2 minutes read

The History of Online Shopping

September 20, 2019| 2 minutes read

MTN Awards Hubtel For Customer Service Month

October 31, 2018 | 1 minute read

MTN today held the Top 10 Customer Centric Partners ceremony at the MTN house. The ceremony was held to acknowledge partners, stakeholders, and service providers for their loyalty and faithfulness.

The Chief Executive Officer of MTN, Selom Adadevoh said outstanding customer service engendered loyal customers, and most successful business people believed that customers even looked beyond the quality of a product, thus placing emphasis on exceptional customer service.

Hubtel received an award for Commitment, Support and dedication to MTN Ghana’s Customer Experience Agenda. Thanks to MTN for the continuous support. We appreciate this and will keep doing more to promote this agenda.

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The New Way To Log In On Hubtel

October 31, 2018 | 2 minutes read

Hubtel Now Uses OTP For Logins

What is OTP?

An OTP (One Time Password) is an automatically generated numeric or alphanumeric string of characters that authenticates a user. The password is only valid for a single login session or transaction. That means each time you login into your account, a new password is generated, which you can use to authenticate your login. This password is usually sent to you via SMS. If the number you use is also registered on the Hubtel app, the code will be sent as a push notification as well.

Benefits of OTP

There are several important benefits of using an OTP, including:

  • An OTP isn’t a static password, so it’s not vulnerable to replay attacks. As such, if a hacker steals an OTP that has been previously used to log into a service, it won’t work again. Security matters and this method keeps the bad guys out.
  • A second major advantage is that a user who uses the same password for multiple systems is not made vulnerable on all of them if the password for one of these is gained by an attacker.

The way you log in to your Hubtel account has changed: It’s now more secure and easier. Simply enter your phone number, wait for a PIN (OTP), and you’re good to go.

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More Profitable Than Gold

October 11, 2019| 2 minutes read

Customer Moments That Matter

October 4, 2019| 2 minutes read

The History of Online Shopping

September 20, 2019| 2 minutes read

Stay Alert. Don’t Get Scammed

October 24, 2018 | 1 minute read


Hubtel does not sell Airtime or Internet data directly to customers. Anyone posing as an employee or representative from Hubtel and undertaking such an act is a scammer and not authorised to do so.

Report such people directly to Hubtel or to the police. We do not authorize anyone to sell Airtime or Internet to anyone. You can use our app – Hubtel.me to make such purchases yourself directly from the app. You can download the app for:



Kindly avoid persons that post on social media and other platforms claiming to sell Airtime and internet data at low prices, in the name of Hubtel. Find below an example of such scamming activities. Do well to report such people to us via any of our social media accounts:
Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

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More Profitable Than Gold

October 11, 2019| 2 minutes read

Customer Moments That Matter

October 4, 2019| 2 minutes read

The History of Online Shopping

September 20, 2019| 2 minutes read

Take A Peek At Our New Website

October 9, 2018 | 1 minute read

The New Hubtel Website – A Whole New Experience

Everyone loves new things. Over the past few months, we have been working on a whole new experience for our website, from the constant feedback we received from you. We have taken the time to rebuild our entire product offering nearly from scratch.

Some key changes you will notice include:

  • Simplified login with your mobile number, and a One-Time-Password via SMS.
  • Clean separation between your personal account with Hubtel and that for businesses you are associated with.
  • A free webstore to process online orders and sales directly from your inventory.
  • Simpler, less complicated features to access your business dashboard, sales and customer information.
  • Simple features to offer gifts and rewards with your customers.

New Means More – But Simple

We will be adding even more features to help your business sell more and delight customers, over the coming weeks and months.

Have a look at the all-new website here: hubtel.com

Got some cool feature(s) you would want us to add? Drop us an email at [email protected]

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How To Keep Your Customers Coming For More

August 1, 2018 | 3 minutes read

Is a Loyalty Rewards program right for your business? Every business runs on customers – loyal customers. One way to keep them coming back for more is to reward them for using your product/service.

Will Loyalty Rewards Work For Your Type of Business?

Appreciating your customers with loyalty rewards sounds like a good plan, and it is. The question is: Does your business model support this type of customer engagement/retention plan? Depending on how your business is set up, implementing this type of customer retention strategy might seem hard to do. A typical example is a real estate agent/broker. It’s not every day that people buy homes. Most of your customers may buy a house or two in their lifetime. But all the same, you can think of other creative ways to get your customers to refer you to other potential buyers. A referral is always a great way to get new customers.

Hubtel Rewards
Reward your customers when they buy from you

What Kind of Businesses Need This Strategy?

Let’s look at another example: A fast food joint. People eat every day. So employing a loyalty rewards system can work fine for such a business. Other examples include a barber shop, restaurant, shopping mall, pharmacy, etc. Any kind of business that has returning customers will benefit well from a reward system. The amount of returns the customers make also adds up to whether or not you need to implement this customer retention/engagement strategy.


Do You Have a Way to Efficiently Implement a Rewards Program?

The biggest obstacle to running a loyalty program is implementing it. Going the old-school route and printing out loyalty cards is a pain, and often expensive. Luckily, digital loyalty reward schemes like the one included in Hubtel POS for customers of businesses remove this obstacle by making it easy to create rewards, engage customers, and keep track of your customers.

Any business that signs up on Hubtel POS has a loyalty reward system implemented automatically. All you have to do is ask your customers to provide their phone numbers at the point of sale. Once you have their number, they’ll get free points which they can redeem for airtime, internet bundle, and even mobile money after each successful sale. All this is handled by Hubtel without you lifting a finger. Sounds awesome? Sign up for a free Hubtel POS account at hubtel.com/pos and start rewarding all your customers so they keep coming back for more.

Hubtel – What We Do

We help businesses with a very easy-to-setup software to process sales in-store, online, and mobile so they can continuously delight their customers.

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MasterCard Now Active on Hubtel

July 25, 2018 | 1 minute read

We have exciting news! From Thursday, July 26, 2018 Hubtel POS card readers will be able to process MasterCard along with all the other options – mobile money, GH_Link, Visa, Visa_Electron, V_Pay, and Maestro.

Cheers to growing your sales and building stronger engagements with your loyal customers.

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Get A Free Webstore on Hubtel

July 25, 2018 | 2 minutes read

Hubtel Webstore – A Free E-commerce Platform For Businesses

If you operate a brick and mortar business, your next smart move will be to move your store online.

Many businesses lose out on potential sales because they do not have an online presence. As human interactions go digital, so are competitive businesses reaching customers online. Having an online presence reduces the number of physical locations businesses need to serve customers and opens a wider customer base to the business at the same time. Imagine setting up a business in Accra and getting orders from all over the country. A good webstore or e-commerce website makes this possible.

Enter, the Hubtel Webstore – built to offer businesses an online storefront for customers to transact with them.

Adding an item to cart on Hubtel Webstore

What is Hubtel Webstore?

This is built for businesses to make their wares and services available online for customers. Customers will be able to place orders and make payments on the webstore. Here’s a great alternative for businesses who wish to have an online presence but don’t have the means to set up one.

Payment options available on a Hubtel Webstore


Making payment using Hubtel.me on Hubtel Webstore


What is the Cost Involved?

Nothing! ?

Like seriously. It is absolutely free for all businesses. As long as you have a Hubtel account with verified business information, you will have access to the Hubtel Webstore. If you need to sign up for Hubtel POS, simply create a free account at hubtel.com/pos.

You’ll find below sample pages from a demo webstore account. Your customers will be able to pay for your products/services using your unique webstore link. You can give your webstore link to your customers so they can easily make payments to your business.  Check out our very own webstore: hubtel.com/store


Sign up for a free Hubtel POS account at hubtel.com/pos

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How To Get Money Back When You Buy Bundle and Airtime

July 20, 2018 | 2 minutes read

Hubtel.me – The Rewards Never End

You’ve probably bought airtime or internet bundle today. The question is: Did you get anything extra after making the purchase?? That’s aside from the actual internet bundle or airtime you paid for. If not, this is a chance to jump on some freebies – cash actually.

I  bet you’ve spent more than GHS100 this month alone on airtime. Unless you’re not monitoring – which you should. Plus if you bought the said airtime using the Hubtel.me app, you’d have a history of the transaction right in the app?

The Only App That Rewards You For Using It

Spend on any of these services and get cash back for free

Hubtel.me is a loyalty app from Hubtel. It gives you free loyalty points for every transaction you make on the app. These points can be redeemed for cash, internet bundle, and even mobile money. Sweet huh?
If you want to view just how much you can earn with this app for every transaction, check out the expected rewards at www.hubtel.me. See the example below. This is assuming you spend GHS100 cedis on airtime, internet bundle, mobile money, etc:

Hubtel.me rewards
Club Membership Levels on Hubtel.me

From the image above, you’ll realize there are various levels with varying expected rewards. You can easily increase your membership level based on the volume of transactions you perform in a given period. It’s a win-win situation here – perform more transactions to earn more free cash.

One interesting thing about the app is that you can still perform transactions when you have no internet access. Simply dial *711# to access the basic functions the app provides such as purchasing airtime and bundle.

Download Hubtel.me

The app is available for both Android and iPhone With Hubtel.me, the rewards never end?

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Hubtel POS Powers Revenue Collection At Wli Falls

July 4, 2018 | 2 minutes read

The Minister of Tourism Arts and Culture, Hon. Catherine Abelema Afeku, on 2nd June 2018, installed an automated revenue collection device at the Wli Water Falls. The revenue collection point is powered by Hubtel POS, in partnership with MTN Business.

The initiative is to keep track of the number of tourists patronizing the site and also monitor the amount of revenue generated from Wli Water Falls. Visitors and tourists can pay for their entry tickets with any mobile money wallet, bank card, or cash. The paying visitor is sent an SMS receipt.

The Hon. Minister on the same accord introduced similar measures at the Cape Coast and Elmina Castles. This intervention is aimed in part, at helping address revenue challenges faced by tourist attractions across the country. It will also provide convenience to users who will be relieved from the challenge of carrying bulk sums of cash.

About Hubtel POS

Hubtel enables businesses to sell, serve and engage with their customers. Hubtel POS helps businesses of any size to receive payment, track sales, and inventory. All payments received can also be tracked by the account manager in charge of the Hubtel POS account. This provides a seamless experience.

Businesses of any size can use Hubtel POS to collect all forms of payments from any mobile money wallet and bank card issued in Ghana.

Find out more about Hubtel POS at hubtel.com/pos.

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Hubtel Scores 3 At The 2018 GITTA Awards Ceremony

July 3, 2018 | 1 minute read

Hubtel has been adjudged the Best Payment Gateway Provider of the year, claiming two other awards at the just ended GITTA Awards ceremony.

Hubtel scored a hat trick of awards at the event, bagging Best Mobile Cloud Service Provider of The Year and Best Payment Gateway Provider of The Year, while CEO, Alex Bram copped The Fintech Leader of the Year award.

GITTA Awards



Hubtel CEO – Alex Bram

About GITTA Awards

Now in its 8th year, the Ghana Information Technology & Telecom Awards is the most prestigious awards program in the industry. Popularly dubbed, “the Oscar Awards” in the industry, the Awards recognize innovation and excellence in the Ghana ICT sector.

Over the years, beyond promoting excellence in the telecom sector, GITTA has evolved and extended its reach to include companies which have taken efforts to innovate their operations and products through the adoption of technology.

GITTA has become one of the industry’s most prized honours. It is an accolade given to individuals and teams and is a vindication of the hard work, innovation and dedication of those at the forefront of this dynamic global sector.

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First Ever Digital Payment Launched at Cape Coast and Elmina Castles

June 13, 2018 | 1 minute read

Hubtel, in collaboration with MTN Business has launched the first-ever digital payment system at the two major castles in Ghana: Cape Coast and Elmina Castles.

This is in line with the government’s goal to make Ghana a fully digitized economy when it comes to payments in the country. Staff from Hubtel were present to set up the Hubtel POS storefront and to train the sales personnel at the premises on how to use it to collect payments from customers.

Visitors and tourists can pay for their entry tickets with any mobile money wallet, bank card, or cash. An electronic receipt is sent to their phones as proof of payment.

About Hubtel POS

Hubtel enables businesses to sell, serve and engage with their customers. Hubtel POS helps businesses of any size to receive payment, track sales, and inventory. All payments received can also be tracked by the account manager in charge of the Hubtel POS account. This provides a seamless experience.

No matter the size of your business, you can use Hubtel POS to collect all forms of payments from any mobile money wallet and bank card issued in Ghana.

Find out more about Hubtel POS at hubtel.com/pos.

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