An Improved Search Feature

March 28, 2024 | 2 minutes read

There’s an easier way to find exactly what you’re looking for on the Hubtel app. Whether it’s your favorite restaurants or something more specific like Waakye or FanIce, you can quickly and easily find whatever you need with the improved search feature. 

What can you expect? 

A more tailored search experience 

We’ve made it easier for you to find what you’re looking for with an improved search feature that scans across all categories (food, groceries, bills, etc.) to enhance your overall app experience. Previously, you would have had to navigate through specific categories to find what you needed. Now, all you have to do is search. 

Located right at the top of your screen, simply click on the bar with the magnifying glass icon and type whatever you are looking for: Waakye, Jollof, contraceptives, FanIce, and the list goes on. For example, if you’re craving delicious hot Waakye, you can search for the name of your go-to Waakye joint, and it will quickly appear for you to order. Alternatively, you can simply search for “Waakye,” and a list of all Waakye joints near you will pop up. 

There’s more for you! 

The search feature isn’t the only new addition to the app. There are several cool features to make your experience faster and more efficient. To take advantage of these features, make sure you’ve updated to the latest version of the Hubtel app on your device. 

Don’t have the app yet? Now is the time. Click here to download the Hubtel app. 

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A new way to pay 

May 9, 2024| 2 minutes read

Hubtel Opens Ghana’s First Indigenous AI Lab 

March 13, 2024 | 4 minutes read

Kokomlemle, Accra – March 13, 2024: Hubtel has announced the opening of its new Artificial Intelligence (AI) Lab. This dedicated research and development unit will leverage the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) particularly machine learning to enhance user engagement, build trust, and ultimately drive revenue growth for both Hubtel and businesses using its platform to process payments. 

“Hubtel’s vision is to become Africa’s most useful company,” Augustine Gyawu Adjei, Head of Engineering at Hubtel, said. “The AI Lab represents a significant step towards achieving this vision by harnessing the transformative potential of AI. We believe this technology will significantly enhance the user experience across our platforms, fostering trust and confidence in our partners and leading to sustainable growth.” He added.  

The Hubtel AI Lab will focus on utilizing areas such as machine learning, with a specific emphasis on: 

  • Enhancing User Engagement: By intuitively recommending relevant products and services, the AI Lab aims to increase user interaction with Hubtel’s apps and services. 
  • Strengthening Security: Leveraging AI solutions, the Lab will bolster fraud detection capabilities, protecting both Hubtel and its clients from financial losses. 
  • Improving Revenue Generation: Utilizing AI-powered creditworthiness assessments, the Lab will enable Hubtel to expand its reach and provide financial services to a wider population. 

 The Lab’s immediate goals include fully deploying a revolutionized fraud detection engine by the end of Q1 2024 and establishing a creditworthiness assessment solution by Q2. Progress will be tracked through user engagement metrics, fraud reduction rates, and the accuracy of creditworthiness assessments. 

In the long term, Hubtel’s aims for the AI Lab are ambitious. The company envisions the Lab becoming a center of excellence in AI, not just within Hubtel but across Africa. This mission encompasses: 

  • Fostering global innovation: Hubtel aims to develop AI solutions that can be scaled globally, positioning the company as a leader in the field. 
  • Driving entrepreneurship and economic development: The Lab will establish an ecosystem where AI fuels innovation and economic growth across the continent. 
  • Influencing ethical AI practices: Hubtel is committed to promoting responsible and ethical development of AI within the tech industry. 

In a catch-up with Hubtel’s Chief Executive Officer, Alex Bram, he was buoyant about the prospects AI opportunities presents for the company, saying “Our AI Lab isn’t just about cool tech, it’s about delivering real value to the users on Hubtel. Imagine safeguarding finances with smarter fraud detection, optimizing utility consumption to help protect the revenues of our key merchants through AI-powered insights, and unlocking new financial opportunities for individuals through accurate creditworthiness assessments. That’s the power we’re harnessing at Hubtel AI Lab”.  

An image of someone working at the AI lab.

The launch of the Hubtel AI Lab also represents a significant development not only for the company but also for Ghana’s technology landscape. By harnessing the power of AI, Hubtel is poised to revolutionize user experiences, enhance security, and drive sustainable growth, paving the way to strengthen the course of a successful digital economy for Ghana and Africa at large.  

About Hubtel 

Hubtel is a leading indigenous Ghanaian tech company that makes it easy for people to find and pay for everyday essentials and connect with businesses. The company has a mobile application that lets you order food and everyday essentials, pay bills, and make payments. 

The company’s mission is to drive Africa forward by enabling everyone to find and pay for everyday essentials. Hubtel is aiming to be Africa’s most useful company; building a platform that everyone can find, pay and easily partake in the emerging digital economy across the continent. 

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Ghana’s First Indigenous AI Lab Focuses on Fintech Innovation 

March 13, 2024 | 3 minutes read

In a big step forward, Hubtel, a leading indigenous Ghanaian company, has established the first indigenous Artificial Intelligence (AI) lab in Ghana, marking a significant leap in the company’s bid to realizing its vision. With a vision to be Africa’s most useful company to help everyone easily partake in the digital economy, Hubtel’s new AI lab aims to harness the power of AI and machine learning to address real-world challenges faced by Ghana and Africa today. 

The Power of AI in Everyday Life 

In Tanzania, a farmer utilizes Google’s AI to diagnose and manage crop diseases. That is the transformative power of AI in agriculture. Hubtel’s AI lab envisions creating innovative solutions that can be applied across various sectors. AI has the potential to revolutionize e-commerce, health, and education in Africa, offering practical and efficient solutions to long-standing challenges. 

Augustine Gyawu Adjei, Head of Engineering at Hubtel who leads Hubtel’s AI efforts, explained that the decision to use AI was carefully planned to align with the company’s vision. “Our decision to leverage artificial intelligence stems from careful planning and consideration of myriads of factors to align with company objectives, local and international regulations, and best practices” 

On a commercial scale, Hubtel’s AI Lab leverages AI systems to help businesses grow profit and stop fraud.  

Fraud Detection:  

One of the transformative applications of AI that has significantly impacted businesses on a commercial scale is fraud detection. Hubtel’s AI lab developed cutting algorithms that identified and prevented faulty meters that were causing revenue leakage for the Electricity Company of Ghana thereby safeguarding financial transactions. Whether it’s unauthorized access to accounts or fraudulent credit card transactions, AI-driven solutions have the potential to enhance security and protect businesses from financial losses. 

Driving Revenue Growth:  

AI’s impact extends beyond security measures, playing a pivotal role in driving revenue growth for businesses. Through data analytics and machine learning algorithms, companies can gain valuable insights into consumer behaviour, preferences, and market trends. This approach not only enhances customer satisfaction but also contributes to increased revenue streams, illustrating how AI is reshaping the landscape of commerce in Africa. 

The CEO of Hubtel, Alex Bram emphasizes the significance of the AI lab in creating solutions for businesses and clients.  “Our AI Lab isn’t just about cool tech, it’s about delivering real value to the users on Hubtel. Imagine safeguarding finances with smarter fraud detection, optimizing utility consumption to help protect the revenues of our key merchants through AI-powered insights, and unlocking new financial opportunities for individuals through accurate creditworthiness assessments. That’s the power we’re harnessing at Hubtel AI Lab”, he says.  

Hubtel’s opening of the first indigenous AI lab in Ghana not only showcases the company’s commitment to innovation as they’ve always demonstrated in the past, but also emphasizes the importance of solutions to address the everyday challenges faced by the businesses and organizations in Ghana.  

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International Women’s Day: Inspiring Inclusion with Women at Hubtel

March 8, 2024 | 8 minutes read

Happy International Women’s Day! Hubtel is proud to join millions around the world in recognizing the achievements and contributions of women. This year, we are sharing stories of women at Hubtel to #inspire inclusion.  

We spotlighted seven incredible women at Hubtel – Ruthie, Victoria, Irene, Mawunya, Franklina, Maureen, and Jennifer – and they talked about their roles, what they love about their jobs, and what keeps them going to inspire inclusion. 

Read on to hear what they have to say. 

Ruthie Armah, Machine Learning Specialist

“My job is a total thrill ride! I get to build and deploy the coolest ML models, all to push the boundaries of innovation in Marketing. The real fun begins when I get to team up with clients and stakeholders, to understand their needs and create solution models that knock their problems right out of the park.   

As the first (and hopefully not the last!) female ML specialist, I feel like the “Captain Marvel” of the AI Avengers team (yep, that’s what they call me!). My role at Hubtel allows me to combine my passion for machine learning with real-world applications that make a tangible impact. I’ve got all the resources I could ever need – a world-class working environment, top-notch computing resources, etc. The best part is the talented and diverse team I get to work with, who bring unique perspectives and expertise to the table, making every project an exciting learning experience, and a supportive, collaborative team that’s got my back every step of the way.   

As a self-taught female ML scientist, my journey has been nothing short of epic. And you know what I’ve learned? The barriers to women’s success are nothing but a flimsy glass wall. All you have to do is run at it with full speed, and you’ll shatter it into a million pieces! So, let’s keep shattering those barriers and having a blast while we’re at it!” 

Victoria Alajemba, Lead Engineer 

“I work as a mobile engineer at Hubtel, mainly working on the Hubtel app that allows you to find and pay for everyday essentials from local retailers and service providers. 

The best part of my job is building features that enable everyone to participate in the digital economy. It’s amazing to think about how, in a matter of seconds, you can buy food, send money, or get car insurance. It’s even more satisfying knowing that the work I do makes the lives of Ghanaian residents easier.  

Additionally, working at Hubtel is all about finding your flow. Understand what works best for you and Hubtel will allow you to grow into your very best self. The trust you get the very first day is crazy. 

If I could offer one piece of advice, it’s that the tech industry offers numerous opportunities, and women seeking to transition from more traditional white-collar jobs can explore these opportunities. If you’re already in tech and looking to level up, don’t hesitate to apply to Hubtel. I might be biased when it comes to Hubtel, but in Ghana, there’s no better place to thrive as a participant in the technology ecosystem.” 

Irene Lodonu, Market Insight Analyst 

“As a Market Insight Analyst, a greater part of my role is analyzing customer behavior and using this information to help Hubtel make informed marketing decisions. I also make sure our online content is easy to find in search engines and that is the SEO part of my role. 

The best part of my job is making sense of data and telling its story. I love seeing how numbers and trends can inform better decisions for Hubtel. Talking about Hubtel in general, the best thing is that you are allowed to be yourself to deliver results. Working at Hubtel allows you to learn and get better at your chosen career path. We are all a team of people who love tech and use it to solve everyday problems to make our customers happier. 

I’d like to encourage women to share their unique thoughts and experiences. Your different ideas are very important and can help create better, more inclusive solutions. Don’t underestimate the value of your voice and confidence; by sharing your thoughts, you can inspire more women to do the same. Let’s keep it simple and make a big impact in our respective ways.” 

Mawunya Kudu, Legal & Compliance Manager 

“My role as a Legal and Compliance Manager at Hubtel involves formulating and reviewing company policies and contracts, as well as providing guidance on the application and interpretation of industry-related laws and regulatory compliance. 

I love my role because I see its impact every day. It’s not merely routine; I am able to contribute to mitigating risks. For instance, ensuring compliance with regulatory bodies translates into avoiding fines and other sanctions. 

The semi-autonomous leadership style at Hubtel is one reason why I love my job. I find that even though there is a place for supervision, there is largely room to make certain decisions independently. On the human relations front, I have a great boss who encourages discussion and provides ample support. Additionally, my colleagues are a joy to work with.  

Women are incredibly capable and should not miss out on opportunities to grow and evolve because of self-doubt. You miss out on 100% of the chances you don’t take.” 

Franklina Amoah, Lead UX Designer 

“Hi, I’m Franklina Amoah but everyone calls me Frankie. I design solutions for our existing products to achieve goals like revenue, customer retention, and growth. As a team lead, I manage four designers, directing them on design solutions, operations, and other tasks to align with stakeholder and user preferences. 

The best part of my work is digging through a problem and finally coming up with a solution for it. Nothing will ever work in the Hubtel App without a design. That’s a subtle heavy responsibility for all designers. Every day, there’s the opportunity to either make something better or bring a new idea to life. 

I can’t love my work without my workplace. Hubtel is full of people and people make up Hubtel. To be a bit specific, I love my team. We know when it’s time to work and we know when it’s time to play. 

I had someone telling me I am too “eye-red” (meaning, I go hard for whatever I want) as a woman. I found that complimenting. It essentially meant to me that I am a go-getter. Whatever I aim to achieve, I am willing to go the extra mile to attain it—all I need to do is start.  

For everything I am today, it’s because of small actions like watching a YouTube video, practicing, and sharing my work. I encourage every woman who thinks starting is impossible to begin with small steps today. The journey may seem long, but the only way to shorten it is to take that first step.” 

Maureen Miassi, Retailer Success Executive 

“Among other responsibilities, I liaise with the Marketing Team at Hubtel to produce promotional artwork for retailers and ensure that the same standards are followed across all the zones in Ghana, when it comes to restaurant promotions and advertisements on the Hubtel App. 

The best part of my job is researching and sharing ideas on what will attract customers, based on the specific needs of each zone Hubtel operates. 

Hubtel is a place where everyone is included; there’s a diverse variety of people, young and old, friendly and reserved. It’s a workplace filled with everything you can imagine, yet there’s a strong sense of belonging. Everyone feels welcome to collaborate and work together towards the company’s vision: Building a platform that everyone can find, pay, and easily partake in the digital economy! 

As the saying goes, ‘appetite comes with eating’. The first step will make you enjoy the whole process. Even when we don’t think we can achieve our goals, taking the first bold step will mark the path. It is not going to be easy, it was never meant to be, but it will be worth it.” 

Jennifer Delali Lotse, Associate Product Manager 

“Here at Hubtel, my role is to oversee and lead the entire product development lifecycle of any product assigned to me. Ensuring all developments are adhered to, and collaborating with stakeholders to define the product vision, business model, product objectives, and success metrics. 

The best part of my job is identifying the problems people face in our digital economy and offering solutions that tell a story easy to follow, making the change and adoption of technology seamless for our users. At Hubtel we are committed to digitizing the African economy and it’s a joy to be part of this great achievement. 

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, I urge us to focus on the next generation. ‘Inspire Inclusion’ is a call to action to create a world where every woman, young and old, feels valued, heard, and empowered to pursue their dreams. Let’s help younger women find their feet as they enter the tech space. Let’s create equal opportunities for them, allowing their voices to be heard.” 


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Hubtel’s Success Story Becomes the First from Ghana to Be Highlighted by Amazon Web Services 

March 6, 2024 | 3 minutes read

Hubtel’s success story of moving from struggling competitor to market leader has been featured on AWS’s official website as the first company from Ghana to join the ranks of AWS success stories. 

The case study, now prominently showcased on the AWS website, highlights Hubtel’s remarkable journey from an inflexible on-premises infrastructure to achieving unprecedented success on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Launched in 2005, Hubtel has since evolved into Ghana’s largest mobile payments platform, and the move to AWS has been a pivotal factor in this transformative growth. 

Key Achievements: 
Revenue Soars 20x, Infrastructure Costs Slashed: 
  • Hubtel’s strategic migration to AWS using Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS, and Amazon EKS resulted in a 20-times increase in annual revenue, catapulting from $3 million to an impressive $62 million. 
  • The company realized significant cost savings, slashing infrastructure costs by $1.5 million annually, demonstrating the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of AWS. 
From Struggling Competitor to Market Leader: 
  • Within just two years of migrating to AWS, Hubtel witnessed a fourfold increase in annual revenue, transitioning from $3 million to an astonishing $62 million. 
  • The move not only secured Hubtel’s position in the competitive mobile payments market but also showcased the strategic advantage gained by leveraging AWS’s cloud services. 
Performance Skyrockets, Focus Shifts to Innovation
  • Hubtel’s payments platform experienced a remarkable 100-times improvement in performance compared to its previous infrastructure, enhancing customer trust and allowing the technical team to focus on innovation. 
Hubtel’s Leadership Speaks: 

Alex Bram, CEO at Hubtel, expressed pride in the team’s accomplishment, stating, “We’ve become the biggest and most popular payment provider in Ghana, and that’s all down to using AWS.” Mr. Bram highlighted the collaborative effort and strategic utilization of AWS, which played a pivotal role in turning the business around. 

Francis Wilson, Head of Infrastructure at Hubtel, emphasized the necessity of the move to AWS, stating, “We finally accepted that to scale the way the business required, we needed a big change. That’s when we started looking at AWS.” 

Looking Towards the Future: 

Hubtel’s success story on AWS is not just a retrospective celebration; it’s a testament to the company’s commitment to continuous innovation. As the case study suggests, the next challenge for Hubtel is to build a data lake and leverage artificial intelligence (AI) technology to create business insights for further service development. 

Hubtel’s inclusion in AWS’s success stories marks a historic moment for Ghana’s tech ecosystem. This story celebrates the strategic prowess of Hubtel’s leadership, the dedication of its team, and the transformative power of AWS. As Hubtel looks towards the future, the company remains committed to pushing boundaries and staying at the forefront of technology. 

Read more of the Case Study here:  

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From Intern to Manager in Seven Years: Meet David Nii Kwatelai Quartey

March 4, 2024 | 4 minutes read

Meet David Nii Kwatelai Quartey, the manager for Merchant Success and Integrations. A department responsible for ensuring merchants smoothly onboard the Hubtel platform, integrate their APIs with no challenges, and receive the necessary support and guidance. 

David Nii Kwatelai Quartey didn’t start as a manager but joined Hubtel as an intern and progressed to his current role. 

Read on to find out more about his journey at Hubtel. 

The beginning of the journey…an internship 

“Just like many fresh graduates out of school, I had big dreams. Even though I studied Geomatic Engineering, I decided not to pursue a career in my course but rather decided to start my own business. Well, let’s say that it didn’t go as planned, and I joined Hubtel as a Customer Success Intern through a network. My role was to help resolve customer complaints and ensure customers were satisfied with our services.” 

An image of David Nii Kwatelai Quartey with a big smile on his face
Growth, growth, and more growth 

“After completing my three-month internship, I secured a permanent position in the same department, as a User Care Specialist. While in the role, I became interested in software engineering. This is because I found myself in an environment where most of my colleagues were software engineers. I started learning from online resources like YouTube and Udemy. During this self-learning phase, a vacancy came up for a Retail Systems Engineer, which aligned with my growing interest. I applied for the position and got the job.”  

“My colleagues were supportive, always helping when I needed assistance, and I appreciate that a lot. I think I had amassed some qualities that made me qualify for a systems engineer and coupled with the experience that I had working at Hubtel, it complemented the role quite well.”  

“At the time, my role as a Retail Systems Engineer involved POS configurations for merchants, and that’s how I found myself becoming a POS technician as well. Over time, when the department expanded, I found myself being the manager.” 

What it’s like to work in Merchant Success and Integrations   

“The Merchant Success and Integrations department, in simple terms, consists of three main roles: Merchant Success Officers, who assist businesses with onboarding and ongoing support; POS Technicians, responsible for Hubtel POS setups and support; and Retail Systems Engineers, primarily tasked with maintaining Hubtel APIs and aiding businesses in integrating them smoothly.” 

“A typical day for me starts with a team stand-up meeting to review the previous day’s activities with each team member. Following that, I meet with supervisors to discuss, update, or optimize strategies, and analyze reports and data to identify areas for improvement. If there are any pending projects or tasks, I coordinate internally with the team to ensure we provide a comprehensive platform for our merchants’ success.” 

A picture of David Nii Kwatelai Quartey having a meeting with his team.
My proudest contribution 

“Every project I’ve worked on is something I’m proud of,” says Kwatelai. “When I started leading the team, there were certain updates I wanted to implement, particularly with our technical documentation. Together with my team, we revamped all the technical content, streamlining the content to convey clearly what merchants needed to know. It has made the onboarding process extremely easy for our merchants. Also, I look forward to updating the developer’s portal as well.” 

Looking forward…  

“For me, anything that needs to be done has to be done well. As I progress, my goal is constant self-improvement. I aim to evolve each day, striving to surpass previous versions of myself. You can anticipate continuous growth and development from me—Kwatelai version infinity.” 

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Our Favorite Joints for a Hearty Meal in Osu 

March 3, 2024 | 2 minutes read

If you lack the energy to explore the beautiful city of Osu but want a taste of the delicious cuisines, we’ve got you covered. Here’s a list of our favorite joints in Osu for a hearty meal. Take a look and treat yourself to something exciting today. 

Breakfast – who’s in? 

Are you a ‘something light’ for breakfast lover? If the answer is yes, then we have the perfect breakfast for you. Cantonment Koko serves the best Hausa Koko. You can select Akara, Koose, or Buffloaf as your side for a perfect combo.  

And if you are looking for ‘something heavy’, Just Between Us Kenkey Buffet doesn’t disappoint. If you are after originality, you can trust that their Ga Kenkey is the best you will ever have.  

Lunchtime – the best hour of the day! 

Even though you may not have the time to step out for lunch, we will deliver your meal straight to you. 

African Delight Restaurant has been on our list of popular restaurants for as long as we can remember. We would have to warn you, after your first try, you might end up in a fufu eat-a-thon for an entire week. There’s nothing we can do about this, it’s just too good. 

If you are looking for something a little bit on the healthy side, Green Cafe has got you. Depending on how much you are ready to chow down, they have a lot of healthy food and drinks for you. 

But if you feel for waakye, you should try Rockz Waakye. It is highly recommended. Their menu offers a variety of extras and add-ons for you to choose from. Make sure you have enough space in your tummy because they serve a mountain of food.  

Did someone say treats? 

Yes, we did! If you have a sweet tooth, there’s no problem satisfying your cravings. We’ve got a variety of treats for you to choose from. If you feel for something sugary, you can try some delicious moist slice of cake from Liz’s Unique Bakery or go local by trying hot Bofrot from Esi’s Bofrot Joint.  

So, what are you waiting for? Download the Hubtel app and get food delivered straight to you. 

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A new way to pay 

May 9, 2024| 2 minutes read

Hubtel rakes in 18 nominations at Ghana Fintech Awards ’23 

January 17, 2024 | 2 minutes read

Hubtel, Ghana’s leading payment and quick commerce company, is proud to announce multiple nominations across various categories in the upcoming Ghana Fintech Awards 2023, scheduled to be held on 9th March 2024 at the Labadi Beach Hotel. These nominations not only reflect our commitment to excellence but also highlight our significant impact on the fintech landscape in Ghana. 

Categories for Nominations  

Hubtel’s outstanding contributions have earned us 18 nominations in several key categories at the Ghana Fintech Awards 2023, with 14 organization awards and 4 individual awards for the leadership team, recognizing their outstanding contributions to the Ghana fintech industry and unwavering dedication to driving innovation. 

Organization Awards 
  • Fintech and Bank Partnership of the Year –– Hubtel & OmniBSIC (PT5)  
  • Fintech and Bank Partnership of the Year – Hubtel & ABSA (PT6)  
  • Fintech and Non-Bank Partnership of the Year – Hubtel & ECG (NP5)  
  • Insuretech / Pentech of the Year – Hubtel Insurance (HI)  
  • IT/Tech Firm of the Year – Hubtel (TF4)   
  • Leading Payments Technologies Service Provider – Hubtel (LP5)  
  • Leading Fintech Solutions Provider – Hubtel (LF6)  
  • Fintech Platform of the Year – Hubtel (FP6)  
  • Fintech Innovation of the Year – Hubtel (N4)  
  • UI/UX Fintech Company of the Year – Hubtel (UX6)   
  • E-Commerce Solution of the Year – Hubtel (ES5)  
  • Compliant Fintech Company of the Year – Hubtel (CF5)   
  • Fintech for Financial Inclusion Firm of the Year – Hubtel (FF2)  
  • Fintech Company of the Year – Hubtel (FC9)  
Individual Awards 
  • Fintech Personality of the Year (Male) – Alex Bram (A1)   
  • Fintech Personality of the Year (Male) – Ernest Apenteng (A5)   
  • Fintech Personality of the Year (Female) – Elsie Bram (F1)  
  • Fintech CTO/CIO of the Year – Patrick Asare Frimpong (C3) 
Voting process 

Join us on this exciting journey by casting your vote!  

To support Hubtel, simply dial *711*80# on all networks, input the respective code for each nomination, be it Hubtel’s or the individual nomination code, and follow the prompt. You can vote as many times as you wish. 

Voting closes on Sunday, 18th February 2024.  

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Hubtel Rings in 2024 with Record Growth, Tech Ambitions, and Unwavering Spirit 

January 3, 2024 | 3 minutes read

2023 wasn’t just another year at Hubtel; it was a roaring symphony of growth, resilience, and shared triumph. As we enter 2024, it’s time to reflect on the incredible journey we’ve taken together and the horizon that stretches before us, teeming with exciting possibilities. 

Our CEO, Alex Bram, perfectly captured the essence of this year in his heartfelt message to the entire Hubtel family: 

Dear Everyone, 
2023 will be fondly remembered as a year filled with remarkable achievements and inspiring resilience. 
Together, we’ve nearly tripled our staff strength, growing from about 200 at the beginning of the year to a vibrant team of almost 600. This incredible talent surge not only speaks volumes about our company’s magnetism and the opportunities we offer. But more importantly, is also a testament to the strength of our leadership culture and its capacity to do more. 
And what a year it has been for growth! We didn’t just add numbers, we shattered records. We safely and securely processed nearly GHS 160 billion worth of transactions and transfers, a staggering achievement that solidifies our position as the leading payment services provider in Ghana. This success belongs to every single one of you, whether you were directly involved in processing or securing transactions, building products, directly serving our customers on the frontlines, or ensuring our systems thrived under such immense pressure. 
Beyond these impressive numbers, what truly inspires me is the unwavering spirit that has shone through every challenge we face. From integrating such a large number of new team members to navigating unknown new technologies, we faced every obstacle head-on, adapting, innovating, failing, falling, rising, and always pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. 
As we move into 2024, I’m filled with an unyielding optimism for the future. We have a solid foundation of talent, expertise, and achievements, and our market is ripe with possibilities. We will continue to invest in ourselves, empowering each other to learn, grow, and lead. We will also unleash the power of emerging technologies such as AI, ML, and big data systems to create even more impactful services that can improve lifestyles and drive Ghana forward.  
And above all, we will hold onto that Hubtel spirit of collaboration, and that unwavering determination to confront the truth, seek what is possible, and obsessively improve. This makes us who we are. 
Thank you once again for an incredible year. I am honored to be a part of what we are doing for our communities, our country, and for Africa.  
May 2024 be a year of even greater success, filled with personal and professional triumphs. Let’s raise a toast to the future, and continue to build the Hubtel legacy together! 
Happy New Year! 

Beyond Alex’s words, the entire staff at Hubtel is also upbeat about the company’s prospects in 2024 and the commitment towards greater success, personal and professional triumphs, and the ongoing pursuit of building the Hubtel legacy beats ever so louder. 

Happy New Year! 

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Introducing Hubtel Academy

December 24, 2023 | 3 minutes read

Kokomlemle, Accra – December 22, 2023: Hubtel has announced its employee development initiative, Hubtel Academy, which is designed to empower employees and prepare them to support the company’s mission.   

Hubtel Academy is a staff-only program that equips and prepares employees to develop the skills and knowledge they need to excel in their roles while supporting effective collaboration and goal achievement within Hubtel’s dynamic teams. 

In a companywide email to the staff of Hubtel, the CEO of Hubtel and Chancellor of Hubtel Academy, Mr. Alex Bram, announced the Academy saying;  

As you know, driving Africa forward by enabling everyone to find and pay for everyday essentials is more than just a company mission for us – it’s a spiritual passion that fuels our desire to reach for the dreams of our forefathers. This is why I’m thrilled to announce the launch of Hubtel Academy, our new employee training platform designed to propel your growth and unlock your full potential within Hubtel. 

It offers a portfolio of learning opportunities tailored to diverse roles and aspirations, from onboarding and orientation, and department knowledgebase to advanced skill development and industry certifications. The academy will help prepare you to support the mission of Hubtel. 

Beyond individual growth, Hubtel Academy serves a greater purpose. It’s the cornerstone of cultivating a unified and values-driven Hubtel culture, where every one of us is empowered to contribute our unique talents and perspectives in executing our strategy. It’s also the springboard for preparing our workforce for the evolving market, ensuring Hubtel remains at the forefront of innovation and advancement. 

As we embark on this exciting chapter together, I want to remind you that your personal growth and professional performance are inextricably linked to Hubtel’s overall growth and performance. By unlocking your potential, we collectively unlock Hubtel’s potential, not just in navigating the future beautifully, but actively shaping it for the better”.  

Hubtel Academy offers a diverse range of learning opportunities, catering to various learning styles and preferences. Employees can expect: 

  • Comprehensive onboarding and orientation: Immerse themselves in Hubtel’s culture, values, and products from day one. 
  • Flexible learning options: Learn at their own pace through online modules, in-person workshops, and one-on-one coaching. 
  • Skill development across the board: Master technical skills relevant to their roles, alongside essential soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. 
  • Continuous learning and development: Access ongoing training opportunities to stay up-to-date and hone their expertise. 

“This initiative is more than just training,” says Samuel Sarpong, Lead Facilitator of Hubtel Academy. “Our aim is to align employees with Hubtel’s unique work culture, instill knowledge about Hubtel’s values and way of doing things, and effective collaboration with team members. We’re excited to see how this initiative empowers our people and fuels Hubtel’s continued success.” 

Hubtel Academy marks a significant step in the company’s commitment to fostering a vibrant and supportive work environment where employees can learn, grow, and thrive.  

To learn more about this transformative initiative, visit here

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Muttina Baci Elevates Snack Bar Experience with Hubtel POS 

December 18, 2023 | 4 minutes read

Growing up, Belinda has always had a passion for catering, even though she studied to become a secretary. Right after school, she set up her own ice cream business named Muttina Baci in 1988. “Muttina” is a combination of her name and that of her husband, and “Baci” means “kiss” in Italian, as this is the place where she learned how to make ice creams.  

Motivated by her passion for catering, Belinda decided to expand her business by opening a snack bar at the Kotoka International Airport in 2006. When discussing the decision to open a snack bar at the airport, Belinda stated, “I felt a nudge to come to the airport.” Explaining how this decision has benefitted her business, she noted, “from a business perspective, the airport has a lot of people coming through on a daily basis —some waiting in the lounge for their flights, others accompanying their loved ones, and some passing through for their personal engagements. Sometimes, these people would want to grab a quick bite.” 

Generally, at an airport, people are in a hurry to get things done, and that is why, even though she was content with the old-school way of accepting payments, she recognized the need to advance to meet the demands of her customers.  

With Hubtel’s POS now in the picture, Muttina Baci has been able to: 
  1. Handle sales transactions quickly 
  1. Saved time by not processing inventory manually 
  1. Improve service speed  
  1. Process a broad range of payment methods 

The airport has a bustling and competitive atmosphere, with many similar shops and bars catering to customers. Moreover, most people who come to the airport have limited time to catch a flight and may want to grab a quick snack before doing so. Others also come with a diverse range of payment methods, and any barrier could lead to a lost customer. Additionally, for Belinda, who manages multiple businesses and delegates some roles to others, having a secure system in place is crucial to help her manage her business efficiently. 

“Besides my snack bar here at the airport, I am also a farmer and a philanthropist caring for over 20 widows in my village. Because of this, I am mostly out of Accra, so I needed a system to help keep my snack bar well organized.” 


The snack bar transitioned to Hubtel POS – a mobile retail software with a web management dashboard that enables businesses to accept payments from mobile wallets across all networks and banks, generate invoices, and manage inventory in real time. 

For Belinda, the ability to handle sales transactions quickly made it easy for the snack bar to serve customers promptly. The inventory management feature helps her keep track of sales items, ensuring her business stays organized and maintains smooth operations even when she is busy attending to other commitments. 

“I was at my village during the Farmers’ Day holiday, which is something I do every year with my family. Despite this, I remained aware of my inventory levels and the sales my snack bar was making because I received notifications on my phone to alert me.” 


Embracing change as a business can help you address problems you did not even know existed. 

“On my stretch, I was the first business to start using a POS machine to enhance my services before everyone else adopted it.” 

For Belinda and her snack bar, Muttina Baci, using Hubtel’s POS has enhanced her customers’ experience. Apart from being popular at the airport for her delicious pastries and exceptional customer service, the ability to complete customer transactions quickly is an added advantage for them as well. 

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Alex Bram Named Among Top 50 Digital Economy Leaders 

December 13, 2023 | 2 minutes read

Hubtel’s CEO, Alex Bram, has been named among the top 50 digital economy leaders at the 8th Africa Digital Economy Awards (ADEA), held on 10th November 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya. This award recognizes him as one of Africa’s digital champions and innovators across multiple areas whose contributions have significantly impacted the digital growth and security of the African economy.  

Alex leads Hubtel’s vision of building a platform where everyone can find, pay, and easily partake in the digital economy. His visionary leadership and the collective efforts of everyone at Hubtel have made the company Ghana’s leading payments, quick commerce, and messaging technology company. As CEO of Hubtel, Alex has successfully scaled and pivoted the business through several stages. Alex led the team at Hubtel in its pivotal role in partnering with the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) to plug payment processing leakages and grew monthly revenues by nearly 100% to GHS1.2 billion.  

Distinguished men and women driving Africa’s digital journey 

As we applaud his achievements, we also acknowledge the collective impact of distinguished leaders in shaping the digital narrative of Africa.  
Sharing the spotlight are other distinguished leaders in the digital economy, including Mr. Selorm Adadevoh (CEO of MTN Ghana), Mr. Shameel Joosub (CEO of Vodacom Group), Mr. Olugbenga Agboola (CEO of Flutterwave), Mr. Tayo Oviosu (CEO of Paga Group Ltd), Mr. Akshay Grover (Group CEO of Cellulant), Ms. Phyllis Migwi (Country General Manager of Microsoft Kenya), Mr. Abbad Reda (CEO of MTN Zambia), Ms. Lillian Barnard (President of Microsoft Africa), Mr. Ralph Mupita (President & CEO of MTN Group), Mr. Mitchell Elegbe (CEO of Interswitch Group), and other exceptional individuals driving Africa’s digitalization journey across various economies. 

Each esteemed individual among the top 50 digital economy leaders at the 8th Africa Digital Economy Awards (ADEA) has demonstrated exceptional expertise in leveraging technology to drive economic growth, foster inclusion, and enhance the overall digital experience of the African continent.  

About Africa Digital Economy Awards 

The African Digital Economy Awards (ADEA) is a Pan-African award that celebrates, recognizes, and honors the pioneers and frontrunners who play a pivotal role advancing in Africa’s Digital Excellence and future.

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